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Renault trucks
Power transmission

Optidriver gearbox

Commercial Informations

Offre Renault Trucks

The Optidriver gearbox is a 12-speed robotic gearbox, fully developed and produced within the group.

In the event of a breakdown, it is available after-sales:

  • In its new original version
  • In a renovated version, marketed under the Reman label.

Key arguments

A wide range of products
  • Offer available in three versions: full, basic or short
  • Wider range than the competition
  • Offer better suited to different types of breakdowns
The DNA of a new original part
  • Systematic integration of the latest technical developments applied in series.
Strict reuse criteria
  • Use of new original components in our renovation process, where the competition calls for adaptability.
  • Best guarantee of performance and durability of the Reman offer.
Systematic use of new original components
  • Packaging specially designed to guarantee the quality of the product and the safety of its users.
  • Securing of the good functioning of the box in the long term.
Quality packaging
  • Packaging specially designed to guarantee the quality of the product and the safety of its users.
  • Securing of the good functioning of the box in the long term.
A wide range of products

The Renault Trucks Reman offer is systematically available in three versions: full, basic (delivered without ECU, receiver, and clutch solenoid valve) or short (delivered without the rear relay), for optimal repair quality, at the fairest price. Our competitors often limit themselves to offering a basic version of their refurbished gearbox without this being clearly specified in their commercial offer. However, a less equipped gearbox potentially means additional parts to replace and a longer reassembly time.


  • 1 = calculator
  • 2 = clutch slave cylinder
  • 3 = clutch solenoid valve
  • 4 = rear relay


The DNA of a new original part

Renault Trucks Reman parts benefit from the same technical developments as those made to the new original part.

For example, if a weakness has been detected in the clutch forks over a certain period of production, and a workaround has been put in place to remedy it, this same solution will be applied to produce gearboxes.

Thus, all clutch forks deemed weak will be systematically scrapped to be replaced with new, more robust forks.

Several analyzes have clearly shown that our competitors do not apply these technical developments, for the sake of profit or because they are not aware of them. Consequently, their products retain the same weaknesses as the standard fitted gearbox.

Strict reuse criteria

Reusing as many components as possible from the used box is the raison d'être of the standard exchange, but it is also an economic issue.

Indeed, this makes it possible to reduce the costs of renovating the gearbox by limiting the addition of new, often expensive, components.

However, this imperative should not come at the expense of product quality.

However, our competitors do not hesitate to reuse certain components when they would have been systematically scrapped in the Renault Trucks standard exchange process, our engineers having considered that their reuse presented an excessive quality risk.

Systematic use of new original components

When a component cannot be reused, the renovator has two choices: using new original components, those with which the gearbox has been developed, tested, and approved, or using adaptable components, copying the components. original.

Where our competitors systematically use adaptable, more economical components, Renault Trucks has chosen to fit only new original components on its Reman boxes.

This is the best way to allow our boxes to regain their original performance level.

Quality packaging

Designing packaging that allows the part to be properly protected during storage and transport is essential.

It is also an expense item on which some renovators do not hesitate to save money, by replacing the stainless-steel plate protecting the base of the Renault Trucks box computer with rudimentary cardboard protection; or by removing the protective plastic cover on the product.

Customer benefits

  • Strict specifications, guaranteeing the same level of quality as the original new box.
  • Optimal repair reliability.
  • 2 year warranty (parts, labor, repair, towing*).
  • Coverage of the entire box, including the most sensitive components.

*depending on local conditions

  • Excellent value.
  • Turnkey solution, available from stock, reducing downtime as much as possible.

The gearboxes are overhauled according to a rigorous industrial process, defined by our engineers, which gives them the same level of performance and durability as a new original box.

These products benefit from upgrades according to the latest technical specifications, in order to correct any weaknesses in the original part.

Renault Trucks systematically uses new original components when a component in the used gearbox must be replaced. 100% of parts are bench tested before delivery.


Optidriver Reman gearboxes benefit from the same 2-year warranty as a new original gearbox, subject to assembly by an approved repairer (see general warranty conditions).

By choosing the complete replacement of the gearbox rather than its repair, the repairer protects himself from any risk of faulty workmanship and provides his customer with a guarantee on the entire component (including the electronic part, in the case of a complete box), and not only on the replaced components.


Reman gearboxes, in their full version, are up to 50% cheaper than their new counterparts.

The basic Reman offer makes it possible to replace only what is necessary, by recovering the computer, the solenoid valve, and the clutch slave cylinder from the old gearbox. Likewise, the short Reman offer goes further by allowing the recovery of the backward relay.

Replacing the gearbox, rather than repairing it, minimizes truck downtime.



A competitor offers me a refurbished gearbox that is cheaper than yours.

The right questions to ask yourself:

  • Is the competing offer within the same technical scope (complete VS basic VS short)?
  • What warranty does the competitor offer on his gearbox?

Whatever the case, the eXchange offer has certain advantages compared to the competing offer:

  • Systematic integration of the latest technical developments applied in series
  • Use of new original components


I do not wish to fit a used part on my vehicle.

The eXchange offer is not a used offer.

Although made from disused gearboxes, the part undergoes a process of disassembly, inspection, cleaning and reassembly, which gives it the same characteristics and performance as a new original box.


100% of the components replaced during this renovation process are new original components.


I prefer to repair, it is faster and more economical.

Choosing to replace the box rather than repair it is:

  • reduce your customers' truck downtime as much as possible thanks to an offer available from stock and three times less labor time;
  • reduce the risk of diagnostic errors and poor workmanship by fitting a complete component, already pre-tested in the factory;
  • benefit from a 2-year warranty coverage on the entire organ, and not just on a few components, as would have been the case following a repair.