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Renault trucks
Body, cabin and interior

Cab air filter

Commercial Informations

Offre Renault Trucks

Air-pollution can have significant effects on drivers' lives, particularly if they have to spend several hours in their cabs. In contrast with common beliefs, the air inside the cab can be up to 4 times more polluted than the air outside.

Drivers can spend up to 10 hours a day in their trucks.

It is therefore important for the air in the cab to be healthy.

This means the cab filter has a significant role to play in ensuring drivers a healthy environment. It has therefore been designed to filter and clean the air inside the cab.

- dust, pollen, soot, dust, etc.

- fine dust particles, gas, etc.


Key arguments

  • OSA (Outside Air Filter)
  •  REC (Recirculating Filter)
A comprehensive range to meet every need
  • Standard cab air filter: Pollen
  • Hybrid cab air filter
  • Washable cab air filter
Les différents types de filtres

Il existe deux types de filtres :

  • Filtres OSA (Outside Air Filter): positionné à l’extérieur de la cabine. Son rôle est d’assurer le filtrage de l’air venant de l’extérieur
  • Filtres REC (Recirculating Filter): positionné à l’intérieur de la cabine. Son rôle est d’assurer le filtrage de l’air intérieur lorsque  cette option est activée. (Option disponible seulement dans la gamme TCK)

Une gamme complète selon les besoins

Standard : Pollen

Filtre les particules les plus grosses comme la poussière et la suie

Hybride: Charbon actif

Filtre les particules fines

Traitement au charbon actif pour lutter contre les mauvaises odeurs


Permet de réutiliser le filtre et est donc une solution économique

Customer benefits

The service in addition
  • 2-year warranty (parts, labor, repair and towing)
  • Start & Drive contracts for appropriate and safe maintenance
  • Packages to offer turnkey solutions to customers
Quality of an original part
  • Corresponds to Renault Trucks engine specifications
  • Better engine life and performance
Security and Economy
  • Avoids the risk of pollution in the cabin
  • Avoids malfunctions of the ventilation and heating system
Extra services

 A broad range of services is available

  • Benchmark Start & Drive offering Superior Performance and Excellence contracts: customised and efficient servicing; 
  • a personalised servicing and adaptable agreement; to plan vehicle servicing with perfect peace of mind;
  • all-inclusive servicing contract, with pre-arranged fixed servicing prices and prearranged costs;
  • the 24/7 contract:  ensuring you can always be on the road.

Quality of original parts

Renault Trucks carries out in-depth tests on the cab air filters to make sure its customers can benefit from the best air quality.

Safety and Savings

A clogged cab filter can have serious consequences, preventing it from fulfilling its purpose of ensuring the driver is able to breathe clear air in the cab. There may be a risk of pollution in the cab. It can also lead to result in the ventilation and heating system malfunctioning which can result in very expensive repair costs. A blocked filter is the cause of 70% of problems associated with the air conditioning system.

You are therefore recommended to change the cab filter regularly as recommended by Renault Trucks.



I don't want to buy original Renault Trucks parts because they are too expensive compared with generic parts.

Cab air filter dimensions are specifically designed for our trucks. A competitor's filter may not be completely compatible, meaning that, in the long-term, it may damage the air conditioning connection if the filters become blocked sooner than planned.

The cab's air conditioning filter is not an important item liable to affect the truck's performance.

Air pollution can have a significant impact on drivers' lives, particularly if they have to spend long periods in their cabs. In contrast with general assumptions, the air inside the cab can be as much as four times more polluted than the air outside.

The cab's filter plays an important role in ensuring the environment remains healthy. It plays a key role in the driver's health and safety and therefore in that of the other road users.

Drivers can spend as much as 10 hours per day in their vehicles.

Sneezing when travelling at a speed of 80 km/h is the same as closing the eyes for 25 m.