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Renault trucks
Body, cabin and interior


Commercial Informations

Offre Renault Trucks

A place of work and rest, the cabin is one of the determining elements in the choice of vehicle for our customers. In after-sales, the need to replace it generally results from a serious accident (tipping, crushing, etc.) and requires large-scale body repairs. Renault Trucks supports you in this work through a double spare part cabin offer: full cabins and bare cabins.

Key arguments

A double offer
  • Easier repairs thanks to the supply of trimmed cabins
  • A tailor-made repair thanks to the offer of bare cabins
Trimmed cabin: the all-inclusive offer
  • A complete cabin, almost identical to the one originally fitted to the vehicle
  • An on-demand offer, produced on the same assembly lines as the standard cabins
  • An offer adapted to heavily damaged vehicles, with few recoverable elements
Bare cabin: the essential offer
  • Minimum content, for an adapted repair
  • A reduced range, which may require modifications in the workshop
  • An offer generally available from stock
A double offer

Renault Trucks offers you a double cabin offer to adapt your repair to the economic requirements of insurance, the urgency of getting your customers back on the road and the activity of your garage:

- The equipped cabin offer facilitates repair, since it includes almost all the exterior and interior elements of the cabin, pre-assembled at the factory. On the other hand, its lead time is longer since it is produced on demand, depending on the original definition of the vehicle.

- The bare cabin offer is available from stock, but only includes the cabin structure. All interior and exterior parts must be collected from the old vehicle or ordered from the Renault Trucks spare parts catalog. It is the ideal repair solution if many elements are recoverable.

Trimmed cabin: the all-inclusive offer


The upholstered cabin is, as its name suggests, a cabin on which almost all of the exterior and interior elements have been pre-assembled at the factory. Below is the list of cabin items not included in the furnished cabin offer.

Cabins 1

Cabins 2

  • 1. Exterior mirrors
  • 2. Steering wheel
  • 3. Front bumper
  • 4. Roof spoiler
  • 5. Side deflectors
  • 6. Door extensions
  • 7. Fenders, & splash guards
  • 8. Steps


Produced on demand and can be ordered via Argus, it is delivered in the same color as the original, according to the latest technical specifications, with parts as close as possible to those originally fitted to the vehicle. This is the preferred offer if the damaged vehicle is recent (less than five years old) and so few elements can be recovered from the old cabin.

Bare cabin: the essential offer

The bare cabin only includes the cabin structure, painted in Ekla white. Thus, neither the doors, nor the windshield, nor any trim element are included in this offer. If necessary, they must be ordered in addition via the Renault Trucks spare parts catalog.

It is possible that the definition of the after-sales cabin does not correspond exactly to the original cabin of the vehicle (e.g. no drilling of the rear window, systematic ventilation hole, etc.). Adaptations must then be made in the workshop (See FAQ).

In addition, on the T / C / K vehicle range, the cabins are delivered with an unglued roof, to facilitate the trimming operation in the workshop. It is necessary to glue the roof in the workshop, before putting the vehicle back on the road.

Customer benefits

  • A complete cabin in a single reference
  • An industrial finish quality
  • Two offers to better adapt to different types of accidents

The trimmed cabin offer facilitates your quotes by integrating almost all the cabin elements, already pre-assembled at the factory, into a single reference. This requires less documentation effort, for better responsiveness.


The trimmed cabins and the bare cabins are manufactured on the same assembly lines as the standard cabins. They thus benefit from the same developments. In addition, the correct electronic operation of the equipped cabins is systematically checked at the end of the line.


By offering you two cabin offers, Renault Trucks allows you to adapt your sales proposition to the different types of accidents. For a crash on a vehicle less than five years old, with few recoverable parts, it is often preferable to give priority to the equipped cabin offer. In the event of a simple changeover, it is often the bare cabin offer that will be the most economically viable.



How is the ordering process for a packed cabin?

First, you must request a quote via Argus, specifying the VIN of the requesting vehicle. An estimate of price and time will then be communicated to you. If this is validated by your client / insurance, you will then have to open a second Argus file to confirm the firm order of the cabin. The reference of the cabin and the delivery time (approximately six to eight weeks) will be communicated to you later.

The bare cabin that was delivered to me does not fully match the original cabin of the vehicle.

As the after-sales offer cannot cover all the variety of series, it is possible that in certain cases, the definition of the after-sales cabin does not correspond exactly to the original cabin of the vehicle (e.g.: no drilling of the rear window, systematic ventilation hole ...). Adaptations must then be made in the workshop.

Please read available information in Impact before establishing your quote.