Commercial Informations
Offre Renault Trucks
Key arguments

A competitor offers me a cheaper turbo. What's the risk ?
The turbo of your truck has been developed according to its engine, and in function of the shape of the pistons and the injection parameters. It's designed specifically for your truck.
A 3rd party turbo will not have been designed for your vehicle and you will not have the same high standard in efficiency, mobility and consumption, which could cost you more money to fix later on. For example, a consumption increase of 1% over 120,000km will cost you approximately € 500.
How can I maximise the life of my turbo?
There are two simple things to do: follow the recommended maintenance provided by the manufacturer (oil quality, interval, oil, air, and diesel filters) and wait 60 seconds before switching off your engine after your journey (to continue lubrication).
I don't trust Reman parts.
We systematically replace critical and wearable parts on our Reman parts, so you have no reason to doubt the quality. They have the same warranty as a new part because we have confidence in our renovation process.
Can I replace the turbo myself?
We do not recommend it: there are many parts close to each other in the engine environment, and it is important to position your turbo correctly. Otherwise, you run the risk of increasing temperatures in some areas, with a high risk of damaging other parts. Our technicians are highly trained and will fit your turbo correctly, guaranteeing its full lifespan.